Archive for the 'India' Category

A New Market-Leading Rate to India From Localphone

Friday, February 13th, 2009

Hot on the heels of our recent price reduction (Jan 26th – “New Recession Busting Rates to Call India“) I am pleased to announce yet another drop in the cost of calling India. Effective immediately our new rate to India landlines and mobiles is a market-leading 1.9p GBP / 2.9¢ USD / 2.3c EUR per minute.

This is not just a short-term gimmick or promotion, and there are no terms, hidden fees, or minimum top-ups; just low rates and a great quality, direct route to India.

Thanks to the enthusiastic response to our most recent round of price drops we have already been able to return to our suppliers and negotiate a better rate; savings we are passing straight on to you.

Don’t forget; the longer you call, and the more friends you recommend, the stronger our position to negotiate even better rates on your behalf. I’d like to thank you once again on behalf of everybody at Localphone for your continued loyalty and support.

Best wishes,
Paul Cusack, CEO.

New Recession Busting Rates to Call India

Monday, January 26th, 2009

Update: 2009-02-13 – We’ve lowered our India rate even further!

I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that the world economy has taken a hit lately, and people are looking to cut costs wherever they can. The good news is that thanks to your continued support Localphone is in a stronger position to negotiate with our suppliers, and we’ve managed to obtain a reduced rate for our calls to India; savings we are passing on to you.

Effective immediately our new rate to both landlines and mobiles in India will be 1.95p, 3.3¢, and 2.5c per minute for GBP, USD and EUR customers respectively.

Our Long-Term Commitment to Value

We have seen some companies offer a promotional rate over the past month at a price we feel they cannot sustain in the future. I believe our customers will not fall for short-term gimmicks and appreciate our consistently low rates and dependable, quality routes.

This is our new rate going forward and we hope to only reduce it further as our service grows.

No Compromise on Quality

It is also important to note that this reduction is the result of renegotiating with our existing partners in India who we will continue to work with. Localphone has a direct digital connection to the telephone network in India and you can expect to experience the same high quality calls you’re used to receiving from Localphone.

As always we’d love to hear your suggestions so please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any thoughts about this reduction or any other aspect of the Localphone service.